Neuroscience publications

Spontaneous persistent activity and inactivity in vivo reveals differential cortico-entorhinal functional connectivity. Krishna Choudhary, Sven Berberich, Thomas T. G. Hahn, Mayank R. Mehta. Nature Communications, 15, 3542 (2024). Read online.

Mega-scale movie-fields in the mouse visuo-hippocampal network. Chinmay Purandare, Mayank Mehta. elife, Read online.

Properties and Computational Consequences of Fast Dendritic Spikes during Natural Behavior. Alain Destexhe, Mayank Mehta. Neuroscience. Read online.

Moving bar of light evokes vectorial spatial selectivity in the immobile rat hippocampus. Chinmay S. Purandare, Shonali Dhingra, Rodrigo Rios, Cliff Vuong, Thuc To, Ayaka Hachisuka, Krishna Choudhary & Mayank R. Mehta. Nature 602, 461-467 (2022) Read online.

Linking hippocampal multiplexed tuning, Hebbian plasticity and navigation. Jason Moore, Jesse Cushman, Lavanya Acharya, Brianna Popeney, Mayank Mehta. Nature, 599, 442-448 (2021). Read online | Science Editorial.

Enhanced hippocampal theta rhythmicity and emergence of eta oscillation in virtual reality. Karen Safaryan & Mayank R. Mehta. Nature Neuroscience 24, pages 1065-1070 (2021). | Read online | Editorial in Science | BBC article | Fast Company article.

Dynamics of cortical dendritic membrane potential and spikes in freely behaving rats. Jason J. Moore, Pascal M. Ravassard, David Ho, Lavanya Acharya, Ashley L. Kees, Cliff Vuong, Mayank R. Mehta. Science, 355, 6331, 1281 (2017), 24 March 2017 | Read online | News coverage

Causal Influence of Visual Cues on Hippocampal Directional Selectivity. Lavanya Acharya, Zahra Aghajan, Jason Moore, Cliff Vuong, Mayank R. Mehta. Cell 164, 197-207 (2015). | Read online | Read News & Views in Cell

From Synaptic Plasticity to Spatial Maps and Sequence Learning. Mayank R. Mehta. Hippocampus, 25:756-762 (2015). | PDF

Impaired spatial selectivity and intact phase precession in two-dimensional virtual reality. Zahra M. Aghajan, Lavanya Acharya, Jason J. Moore, Jesse D. Cushman, Cliff Vuong, Mayank R. Mehta. Nature Neurosci. doi:10.1038/nn.3884 (2014). Read Online | Read Science Daily article

Multisensory control of multimodal behavior: Do the legs know what the tongue is doing? Jesse D. Cushman, Daniel B. Aharoni, Bernard Willers, Pascal Ravassard, Ashley Kees, Cliff Vuong, Briana Popeney, Katsushi Arisaka, Mayank R. Mehta. PLoS ONE 8(11): e80465 (2013). Read online | Supplementary material

Multisensory control of hippocampal spatiotemporal selectivity. Pascal Ravassard, Ashley Kees, Bernard Willers, David Ho, Daniel Aharoni, Jesse Cushman, Zahra M. Aghajan, Mayank R. Mehta. Science, 340: 1342-1346 (2013). Read online | Supplementary material | Science editorial

Spontaneous persistent activity in entorhinal cortex modulates cortico-hippocampal interaction in vivo. T. G. Hahn, J. M. McFarland, S. Berberich, B. Sakmann, M. R. Mehta. Nature Neuroscience 15(11) 1531-1538 (2012). Read online | News and Views.

The Effects of GluA1 Deletion on the Hippocampal Code for Position. E. Resnik, J. M. McFarland, R. Sprengel, B. Sakmann, M. R. Mehta. J. Neurosci 32(26) 8952-8968 (2012).
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Running Speed Alters the Frequency of Hippocampal Gamma Oscillations. O. Ahmed, M. R. Mehta. J. Neurosci 32(21), 7373-7383 (2012). Read online

Nonlinear-dynamics theory of up-down transitions in neocortical neural networks. M. Ghorbani, M. Mehta, R. Bruinsma, A. J. Levine. Physical Review E 85, 021908 (2012). Read online

Contribution of Ih to LTP, Place Cells, and Grid Cells. M. R. Mehta. Cell, 147(5):968-970, (2011). Read online

'Frequency-dependent changes in NMDAR-dependent synaptic plasticity'. A. Kumar and M. R. Mehta. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 5:38 (2011). Read online

'Explicit-duration hidden Markov model inference of UP-DOWN states from continuous signals', J. M. McFarland, T. T. G. Hahn, B. Sakmann and M. R. Mehta. PLoS One, 6, e21606, (2011). Read online

'Speed controls the amplitude and timing of the hippocampal gamma oscillations' Z. Chen, E. Resnik, J. M. McFarland, B. Sakmann, M. R. Mehta. PLoS One, 6, e21408, (2011). Read online

'Coordination in circuits'. M. R. Mehta et al. Von der Malsburg, C., W. A. Phillips, and W. Singer, eds. Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind. Strüngmann Forum Report, vol. 5. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (2010). Read online

'The hippocampal rate code: anatomy, physiology and theory.' Omar J. Ahmed, Mayank R. Mehta. Trends Neurosci 32(6): 329-338 (2009). Read online

‘The upshot of up-states in the neocortex: from slow oscillations to memory formation’. K. L. Hoffman, F. P. Battaglia, K. Harris, J.N MacLean, L. Marshall and M. R. Mehta. J. Neurosci. 27: 11838 - 11841 (2007). Read online

'Differential responses of hippocampal subfields to cortical up-down states.' Thomas T. Hahn, Bert Sakmann & Mayank R. Mehta. PNAS 104: 5169-5174 (2007). Read online

'Fascinating rhythm.' Mayank R. Mehta. Nature 446(7131) 27 (2007). Read online

'Cortico-Hippocampal interaction during up-down states and memory consolidation.' Mayank R. Mehta. Nature Neuroscience 10(1) 13-15 (2007). Read online

'Phase-locking of hippocampal interneurons' membrane potential to neocortical up-down states.' Thomas T. Hahn, Bert Sakmann & Mayank R. Mehta. Nature Neuroscience, 9 1359-1361 (2006). Read online

'Role of rhythms in facilitating short-term memory.' Mayank R. Mehta. Neuron, 45(1): 7-9 (2005). PDF

'Cooperative LTP can map memory sequences on dendritic branches.' Mayank R. Mehta. TINS, 27: 69-72 (2004). PDF

'Interaction of sensory responses with spontaneous depolarisation in layer 2/3 barrel cortex.' Carl C. H. Petersen, Thomas T. G. Hahn, Mayank R. Mehta, Amiram Grinwald & Bert Sakmann. PNAS USA, 100: 13638-13643 (2003). PDF

'Role of experience & oscillations in transforming a rate code into a temporal code.' Mayank R. Mehta, Albert K. Lee & Matthew A. Wilson. Nature, 417(6): 741-746 (2002). PDF

'Neuronal Dynamics of Predictive Coding.' Mayank R. Mehta. Neuroscientist, 7(6): 490-495 (2001). PDF

'From Hippocampus to V1: Effect of LTP on spatio-temporal dynamics of receptive fields'. Mayank R. Mehta & Matthew A. Wilson. Neurocomputing, 32: 905-911 (2000). PDF

'Experience-dependent, asymmetric shape of hippocampal receptive fields.' Mayank R. Mehta, Michael. C. Quirk & Matthew A. Wilson. Neuron, 25: 707-715 (2000). PDF

'Experience-dependent, asymmetric expansion of hippocampal place fields.' Mayank R. Mehta, Carol A. Barnes & Bruce L. McNaughton. PNAS USA, 94: 8918-8921 (1997). PDF

'Expansion and Shift of Hippocampal Place Fields: Evidence for Synaptic Potentiation During Behavior.' Mayank R. Mehta & Bruce L. McNaughton. Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research 1997, eds. J. Bower, 741-745, Plenum Press, New York (1997). PDF

'A Neural Network Model of Kindling of Focal Epilepsy.' Mayank R. Mehta, Chandan Dasgupta & Gautaum Ullal. Neural Modeling of Brain and Cognitive Disorders, eds. J. Reggia, E. Ruppin and R.S. Berndt, World Scientific 347-375 (1996).

'Loss of Frequencies in Autocorrelations and a Novel Procedure to Recover Them.' Mayank R. Mehta & Hagai Bergman. J. Neurosci. Methods, 62: 65-71 (1995). Abstract

'Kindling of focal epilepsy occurs due to learning.' Mayank R. Mehta, Chandan Dasgupta & Gautam Ullal. International Journal for Neural Systems, Suppl., 6: 107-110 (1995).

'A Neural Network Model for kindling of Focal Epilepsy: Basic Mechanism.' Mayank R. Mehta, Chandan Dasgupta & Gautam R. Ullal. Biological Cybernetics, 68: 305-309 (1993). PDF

Quantum Field Theory Publications

'Euclideanization, Topological Theories, Higher Dimensions and All That.' Mayank R. Mehta. Physics Letters B, 274: 53-58 (1992). PDF

'Euclideanization of Majorana and Weyl Fermions.' Mayank R. Mehta. Modern Physics Letters A, 30: 2811-2817 (1991). PDF

'Path Integral Derivation of the Superconformal Current Anomaly for the N=1 SSYM.' Mayank R. Mehta. Physical Review D, 44: 3303-3312 (1991)

'Path Integral Derivation of the Superconformal Current Anomaly for the Wess-Zumino Model'. Mayank R. Mehta. Physical Review D, 44: 1228-1238 (1991). PDF

'Euclidean Continuation of the Dirac Fermion.' Mayank R. Mehta. Physical Review Letters, 65: 1983-1986 (1991). PDF

Neuroscience abstracts

‘Influence of short-term plasticity on spike-rate and spike-timing dependent long-term plasticity’. A.Kumar & M. R. Mehta, Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #935.1(2007).

‘Phase precession: in vivo, in silico, in vitro’. O. J. Ahmed, S.J. Cruikshank, B. W. Connors, M. R. Mehta, Soc. Neurosci. Abs #935.3 (2007).

'Structure of up-down states in drug-free spontaneous activity.' E. G. Brown, O. J. Ahmed, A. Kumar, M. R. Mehta, Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #935.4 (2007).

'Differential responses of neocortical up-down states on hippocampal sub fields.' T. T. G. Hahn, B. Sakmann, M. R. Mehta, Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #935.5 (2007).

'Can a temporal code be transmitted from one brain region to another: Lessons from phase-precession.' O. J. Ahmed & M. R. Mehta, Computational Neuroscience meeting, CNS*07, Toronto, Canada #P171 (2007).

‘Rate and timing-dependent plasticity in a biophysical model of synaptic plasticity.' A. Kumar & M. R. Mehta, Computational Neuroscience meeting, CNS*07, Toronto, Canada #P85 (2007).

‘Can a single cell generate a temporal code from rate-codedinputs? Lessons from phase precession’. O. J. Ahmed & M. R. Mehta, Soc. Neurosci. Abs #68.15 (2006).

‘Contribution of GluR-A-containing AMPA tohippocampal dynamics’ . E. Resnik, B. Sakmann and M. R. Mehta, Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #68.16 (2006).

‘Enhancement of sequence learning by oscillations’. A. Shaikhouni and M. R. Mehta Soc. Neurosci. Abs #68.16 (2006).

‘Contributions of spike rate and timing to plasticityinduced by natural spike patterns ’. A. Pujala, L. Yeung and M. R. Mehta. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #68.18 (2006).

’Inhibitory cortico-hippocampal interactionduring off-line states’. T. T. Hahn, B. Sakmann and M. R. Mehta. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #68.19 (2006).

‘Biophysical model predicts novel features of synapticplasticity induced by natural spike patterns’. L. Yeung, O. J. Ahmed, A. Shaikhouni, M. R. Mehta Soc. Neurosci. Abs. (2005).

'Combined tetrode recordings and voltage sensitive dye imaging in vivo to determine the dependence of subthreshold sensory responses upon action potential generation in layer 2/3 of barrel cortex.' Thomas T. G. Hahn, Carl C. H. Petersen, Mayank R. Mehta & Bert Sakmann. Fed. Euro. Neurosci. Soc. #A190.7 (2004)

'Combined tetrode recordings and voltage sensitive dye imaging in vivo to determine the dependence of subthreshold sensory responses upon action potential generation.' Thomas T. G. Hahn, Carl C. H. Petersen, Mayank R. Mehta & Bert Sakmann. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #692.6 (2003).

'Effect of Experience on Hippocampal Temporal Code.' Mayank R. Mehta, Albert K. Lee & Matthew A. Wilson. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #713.6 (2002).

'Role of oscillations and LTP in shaping hippocampal activity patterns.' Mayank R. Mehta & Matthew A. Wilson. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #372.16 (2001).

'The Role of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity in Generation of Spiking Patterns in Place Fields.' Mayank R. Mehta & Matthew A. Wilson. Neural Information Coding Workshop (2001).

'Effect of LTP on Spatio-Temporal Properties of Place Fields.' Mayank R. Mehta & Matthew A. Wilson. Keystone Symposia (2001).

'Relationship between a rate code and a temporal code in the hippocampus.' Mayank R. Mehta, Albert K. Lee & Matthew A. Wilson. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #596.7 (2000).

'Systematic variation of interspike interval with position in hippocampal place fields.' Mayank R. Mehta & Matthew A. Wilson. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #556.12 (1999).

'Asymmetric shape of the hippocampal receptive fields.' Mayank R. Mehta & Matthew A. Wilson. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #758.3 (1998).

'Absence of experience dependent place field expansion and shift in the dentate gyrus and the NMDA deprived CA1'. Mayank R. Mehta & Bruce L. McNaughton. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #196.7 (1997).

'Rapid changes in the hippocampal population code during behavior: a case for Hebbian learning in Vivo.' Mayank R. Mehta & Bruce L. McNaughton. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. #734.15 (1996).

'Experience-dependent increase in place cell activity: Evidence for Hebbian synaptic plasticity during behavior.' Mayank R. Mehta & Bruce L. McNaughton. Soc. Cog. Neurosci. (1996).